Learning Intention

“Art allows children to trust their instincts, explore their imagination, and let their creativity flow. Children need art to establish their individuality.” Mrs Adshead, Art Leader

At Meadowbank Primary School, we recognise the vital role of Art and Design within the school curriculum, and wider world. Our children are empowered to develop their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture, as well as the ability to evaluate and appraise known artists work. High quality Art provision enables the children to have a key contribution to the culture, well-being and enriched creativity of our school. Our vision is to provide exceptional and memorable opportunities to inspire our children to develop a love for Art, allowing them to work together to collaborate, or to flourish as individual artists within the wider world. By developing a love of Art, our children will be able articulate the beliefs and values of others, as well as developing key skills which are reflecting a cross curricular academic approach to learning. Our Art and Design curriculum encourages children to be curious and find different ways to express themselves with compassion, to set themselves high aspirations and to create lifelong learners. 



  • To encourage a lifelong love of Art and Design.
  • To enable learners to develop their confidence in all Art skills, as well as allowing creativity and imagination.
  • To allow learners to build resilience through the process of creating Art.
  • To encourage each child to develop their own Art Capital, which will enable them to become lifelong learners.
  • To provide children with the chance to develop their individual skills, as well as the opportunity to work collaboratively with others.
  • To develop learners oracy skills through research, discussions and debate. 


Learning Journey

The Art and Design Leader has a strong understanding of the EYFS curriculum, and the seven areas of learning and development that shape the educational programmes in our Early Years Foundation Stage. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected, and the experiences, opportunities and activities which are planned enable children to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundations for good future progress through school and life. As children move into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, Art and Design is planned, for Years 1 to 6, using the Art and Design progressive skills, knowledge and vocabulary maps which enable teachers to ensure they are always planning for the next steps in learning around any artistic concept. Long term planning identifies artists and significant figures which give and supports children to make wider connections to influence their own work and the work of others thus leaving a Lasting Legacy. Knowledge and skills are then further enhanced by the use of artistic vocabulary and experiences rich in practical and real life opportunities. It is the role of the adults to facilitate artistic learning and support children to make links between Art and the wider curriculum enabling children to use their powerful knowledge and skills to develop a deeper understanding of the reasons behind why Art has been created, how it has been created, and how we can create our own, in response.  Children across school have the opportunity to become Leaders of Change by asking their own questions, sharing their own art capital and developing their own understanding through their own creations and imagination.



Learning Environment and Immersion

To ensure our young artists become Life Long Learners, we plan for a rich and innovative artistic environment that every child has access to. This includes key vocabulary and high quality resources available for all. In order to engage children’s curiosity; a range of stimulus is used which enriches the learners experience, enhances the classroom environment and encourages oracy through discussion, debate and discovery. Children have the chance to develop their own Art capital within school, understanding the history and purpose for Art as well as within the local and wider community. Children can develop their own leadership skills by becoming an Arts Ambassador, allowing them to partake in decision making for Arts within the school and wider community.


Assessment for Learning

Art and Design assessment is captured through the use of the Art and Design progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary maps. These are used alongside the curriculum planning journals and medium term planning, which clearly outline the learning journey for each half term. This is used to inform planning, identify key concepts, as well as including the children’s voice and their questions, interests and experiences. The sequence of learning is evident in the weekly planning and highlights of this are captured and evidenced through photos and videos. Personalised short term planning ensures that teachers plan for children to demonstrate their understanding in a range of ways and ensures that this enables them to show their application of skills and knowledge to the best of their ability. Feedback is given verbally during Art lessons so that each child can address misconceptions and make accelerated progress towards meeting and exceeding the age related expectations for that area of Art and Design.


Monitoring and review

The Art and Design leader is responsible for the rigorous monitoring of art through book and planning looks, pupil agency, lesson pop ins and whole school CPE. Ongoing analysis of outcomes enables the art leader to identify vulnerable groups of children across school and support staff in enabling children within these groups to make accelerated progress. Feedback to the teaching team then informs next steps in monitoring and support so that there can be personalised and effective JPD planned to address areas for development. Our children are involved in this monitoring process in a number of ways across the academic year. Children are encouraged to talk about their learning through the curriculum planning journals and their own books during pupil voice opportunities. Our children can talk about their art learning and how it links to other areas of the curriculum, their own experiences and the wider world. Our Arts Ambassadors Team are involved in further developing a rich Art environment and are able to confidently share their ideas during team meetings about making Art the very best it can be at Meadowbank.

© Copyright 2019–2025 Meadowbank Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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