Learning Intention

At Meadowbank, positive relationships are fundamental to our vision and mission and our success in being a happy, caring and safe school. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, looking after ourselves, different families, sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is a crucial part of the journey of preparing our children for adult, independent life and we recognise the high importance of teaching and assisting our pupils to understand, recognise and form healthy friendships and relationships. RSE is about understanding the importance of family life, different types of families, stable and loving relationships and respect for others, love and care. Providing children with this understanding is vital to help them develop positive relationships both in and out of school. Educating children about their bodies empowers them to understand the changes their body goes through as they grow and gives them confidence to be able to talk about their bodies and how to keep themselves safe as well as developing confidence in regards to body image.



  • To develop understanding of the importance of family life, stable and loving relationships respect and love.
  • To provide a framework to respond to questions and teach about sex, sexuality and sexual health.
  • To enable young people to learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.
  • To develop personal and social skills for friendship and other relationships.
  • To make informed and responsible decisions.
  • To develop self-confidence and self-awareness.
  • To understand where and how to access support.
  • To acquire assertiveness and decision making skills.


Learning Journey

The RSE Leader has a strong understanding of the EYFS curriculum, and the seven areas of learning and development that shape the educational programmes in our Early Years Foundation Stage. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected, and the experiences, opportunities and activities which are planned enable children to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundations for good future progress through school and life. As children move into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, RSE is planned, for Years 1 to 6, using the PSHEE progressive skills, knowledge and vocabulary maps which enable teachers to incorporate RSE within PSHEE lessons using the ‘Jigsaw programme’. RSE topics are regularly covered within various aspects of the PSHEE curriculum, however are focussed on in more depth within the ‘relationships’ and ‘changing me’ jigsaw pieces. A range of teaching and learning activities are used and are based on good practice in teaching RSE education to ensure that all children can access learning and make progress. Lessons are all tailored to the needs of the children, taking into account their experiences in order to best support their development. In many lessons, stories, scenarios, and video clips provide the opportunity for children to engage in real life and current topics in a safe and structured way. Role-play activities are also included to help children play out scenarios that they may find themselves in. There are meaningful opportunities for cross-curricular learning, in particular with Computing for online safety and Science for growing, nutrition, teeth, diet and lifestyle. Children are taught RSE by familiar adults in a safe and secure environment in order to facilitate constructive, supportive discussions around sensitive topics and are encouraged to express any concerns they may foster about their bodies, needs, or sexualities. RSE aims to cultivate respect and tolerance in children, not only towards themselves but also other individuals around them, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or otherwise. RSE provides a healthy medium for children’s self-esteem to blossom as they learn how to navigate their emotions and step safely into their adult lives.


Learning Environment and Immersion

Innovative experiences are planned for children in order for them to be fully equipped with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be safe and healthy both now and in the future. Activities such as: outdoor learning, additional roles and responsibilities across school, immersive, multi-sensory learning and open discussions, all contribute to this.  Family and healthy relationships are regularly promoted and celebrated through collective worship, learning environments and school assemblies to promote a high profile. Oracy is embedded through empowering children to articulate their own values and beliefs, along with their personal understanding of the RSE curriculum.


Assessment for Learning

RSE assessment is captured by referring back to the PSHEE progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary maps throughout learning. Curriculum planning journals and progression maps are used to inform the medium term planning and learning journey for each half term, through a through a subject based approach but also within the learning experiences where children are guided to make connections across the curriculum.  This is used to inform planning and map coverage across the year as well as include the children’s voice and their questions, interests and experiences. Personalised short term planning allows teachers to respond to the children’s questions, encouraging learning to evolve and ensuring that teachers plan for children to demonstrate their understanding in a range of ways. Within the children’s PSHEE books, the sequence of learning is captured through a celebration of the children’s learning within the subject; examples of work, images and videos, pupil voice, voice recordings to develop oracy, notes written by the children during discussion. Feedback is given verbally during lessons so that each child can address and explore misconceptions, in order to gain a well-rounded, personal understanding of the key themes of the curriculum.


Monitoring and review

The PSHEE leader is responsible for the rigorous monitoring of RSE through book and planning looks, children’s voice, lesson pop ins and whole school CPE. Ongoing analysis of outcomes enables the PSHEE leaders to identify vulnerable groups of children across school and support staff in enabling children within these groups to make accelerated progress. Feedback to staff then informs next steps in monitoring and support so that there can be personalised and effective JPD planned to address areas for development. Our children are involved in this monitoring process in a number of ways across the academic year. Children are empowered to talk about their learning through the curriculum planning journals and their PSHEE books during pupil voice opportunities. Our children build on their understanding of RSE learning and make links to other areas of the curriculum and wider world.


Legal requirements of RSE

The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England), make Relationships Education compulsory for all pupils receiving primary education. To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives. 


Right of withdrawal 

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw pupils from sex education (but not Relationships or Health Education) Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE. However, we would urge any parents and carers considering withdrawing their child from these lessons to consider what is being taught, how it is being taught and how important this education is for all children as subjects covered can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support.

© Copyright 2019–2025 Meadowbank Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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