Learning Intention

“Physical Education - it enables us to grow in moments where we think we cannot go on, but we keep going. It is strength. It is resilience. It is the feeling of your heart racing and your mind being free.” Mrs Gudger, PE Leader and Miss Davenport, Sports Premium Leader.


Our curriculum enables us to provide our children with an enriched and exceptional PE education, which enhances all aspects of physical education, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA). Children are able to flourish and inspire through quality first teaching of P.E and extra-curricular opportunities that will build upon their cultural capital, allowing them to discover a world beyond the classroom and become leaders of change. Through our investment in Get Set 4 PE, we are able to offer our children a curriculum that is aligned with the National Curriculum and is progressive and challenging from EYFS through to Year 6. Our school fosters an environment which aims to nurture confident, resilient and compassionate children who are ambitious in achieving their goals and dreams. Collaboration with the children and our sports leaders across school enables us to nurture curiosity and listen to the various wants and needs of all children in order to provide them with a wealth of opportunities, experiences and clubs. Children learn the strength of empowering one another from a young age, and obtain the values and skills necessary to clearly articulate, celebrate and respect the success of others and themselves. Our intent strives to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and minds beyond the classroom. Our strong links and connectivity with local clubs and partnerships within our community allows us to ensure that children and families receive a variety of opportunities beyond the scope of the academic curriculum.



  • To provide a range of opportunities for children to develop their individual skills; sharing experiences and co-operating with others. 
  • To encourage lifelong participation of physical activity.
  • To enable learners to develop confidence that leads to safe and successful participation in sport and facilitate learners in making their own decisions about leading a healthy life.
  • To inspire children to build resilience through a range of competitive opportunities and to be able to articulate clear links between physical activity and wellbeing.


Learning Journey

The Physical Education Leader has a strong understanding of the EYFS curriculum, and the seven areas of learning and development that shape the educational programmes in our Early Years Foundation Stage. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected, and the experiences, opportunities and activities which are planned enable children to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundations for good future progress through school and life. We have implemented the use of an innovative PE scheme of work across school, which progressively develops children's physical skills, inspires and engages children as well as allowing them to develop holistically. Teachers and coaches ensure they are always planning for the next steps in learning around any new skill and building on prior learning. Children are supported and encouraged to discuss the correlation between physical activity and well-being by explaining the positive impact on their health and the reasons for lifelong participation in sport. Long term planning identifies the range of sport and physical activity covered by each year group to ensure children experience a wide range of sporting opportunities. Children across school have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy by representing Meadowbank at Inter-school and intra-school competitions, promoting creativity and collaboration as a team. 



Learning Environment and Immersion

To ensure our young athletes become Life Long participants, we plan for a rich and innovative environment that every child has access to. This includes learning with sports coaches and having a range of sporting equipment accessible during lunchtimes, P.E lessons and after school provision. In order to engage children’s curiosity; a range of enrichment activities are also planned in response to children’s agency. Leadership skills are built upon in a range of ways where children are given opportunities to be coaches and use their expertise to support children in school and can be Sports Ambassadors, Change for Life Champions and team captains at competitive events. 


Assessment for Learning

Assessment in Physical Education is captured through the use of the P.E progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary maps. The curriculum planning journals and progression maps are used to inform the medium term planning and learning journey for each half term. Planning also includes the children’s voice and their questions, interests and experiences. The sequence of learning is evident in the weekly planning and is captured and evidenced through photographs, videos and through the child’s voice. Personalised short term planning ensures that teachers plan for children to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding in a range of ways and to the best of their ability. Feedback is given verbally during P.E lessons so that each child can address misconceptions and make accelerated progress towards meeting and exceeding the age related expectations for that area of Physical Education.


Monitoring and review

The P.E leader is responsible for the rigorous monitoring of physical activity through planning looks, children’s agency, lesson pop ins and whole school CPE. Ongoing analysis of outcomes enables the P.E leader to identify vulnerable groups of children across school and support staff in enabling children within these groups to make accelerated progress. Feedback to the teaching team then informs next steps in monitoring and support so that there can be personalised and effective JPD planned to address areas for development. Our children are involved in this monitoring process in a number of ways across the academic year. Children are empowered to talk about their learning through the curriculum planning journals and their own experiences during pupil voice opportunities. Our children can talk about their learning and how it links and connects to other areas of the curriculum and wider world.



© Copyright 2019–2025 Meadowbank Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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