Transition into EYFS (Nursery and Reception)

Parents wishing for their children to join Meadowbank Primary School are invited to visit school at one of our open day events during the Autumn Term. Details of these can be found on the school website.

Applications for primary school places need to be made through the Stockport Council website.

The deadline for applications is usually January of each year and you will be informed of place allocations on a National Offer Day in April. School cannot process applications made directly to them.

Once your child has been allocated a place at Meadowbank Primary School their transition from previous settings will be supported by our skilled and experienced EYFS team. For children already attending a pre-school or nursery, they will receive a visit from a member of school staff to introduce themselves, during the summer term. Parents will be sent welcome information and invited to attend a face to face welcome evening, where you will be able to meet the team and explore the EYFS environment. In September, as your child starts school, parents are invited to attend with your child and there will be some visits just for the children which are shorter than the usual school day. We aim to keep this element of the transition period as short as possible, however if we feel that individual children may need an adapted transition timetable, this will be discussed on an individual basis.


Transition to Secondary School

When preparing for secondary school, it is important to think about the right place to send your child, thinking carefully about the facilities available that will best suit them, as well as where they will be happy in the next phase of their learning journey.

We advise parents to browse school websites for up to date information about local school open days and admissions policies. When preparing for secondary school, we advise families to visit prospective schools to gain more knowledge of the setting. Some families choose to make these visits when children are in Year 5.

When school places have been allocated, the staff team at Meadowbank, who know the children well, communicate with the secondary schools to support the transition process. This may be through conversations about needs, negotiating additional visits which are supported by known school staff, engagement in transition projects or making plans for summer schools to name a few initiatives. All secondary schools have a transition offer, which includes at least one visit to the school during the summer term as well as support and information events for parents.

Applications for secondary school places need to be made through the Stockport Council website. Applications usually need to be made by the end of October of Year 6 and offers are made in March.


In order to make an application for a nursery, primary or secondary school place, you will need

  • your contact details
  • your address
  • information about the child you're applying for
  • to choose up to 6 schools
  • to tell us why you've chosen the schools you're applying for


You can upload supporting evidence, this will depend on the schools you're applying for. This can include:

  • a baptism certificate
  • confirmation of catechumenate
  • proof of regular attendance at school
  • care orders
  • adoption orders
  • special guardianship orders
  • proof of complex health or social need


© Copyright 2019–2025 Meadowbank Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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