Absences, Appointments and Late Arrivals

If your child is absent from school please notify us before 9.00am via telephone or the Parentmail app, informing school of the reason, if school is not informed that your child will not be in school a First Day Absence Call will be made to investigate why, similarly a third day call should be made to school for continued absence.

We expect all children to arrive on time for school, school doors open at 8.50am ready for lessons starting at 8.55am.

If your child is late for school they must come into the building via The Lodge left of the main school reception entrance where they can sign in. Late arrivals are monitored and if a child is late more than twice in a half term a letter is sent home. If additional late arrivals continue parents/carers are asked to meet with school to plan for improvement.

We hope for each child to have at least 96% attendance over the school year. If we become concerned about your child's attendance we will consult with the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), who will follow this up. This might involve a home visit from the officer, parental contracts or legal action.

Where possible parents/carers are expected to book appointments outside of the school day.

It is also very important that the school has your current address and contact numbers in case of emergencies. Please keep us updated of any changes.

Leave of Absence During Term Time

Parents are expected to plan family holidays or breaks during school holidays and not during term time.

The Education Regulations 2006 and accompanying guidance published by the Government makes it clear that parents do not have a right to have time off school for holidays. In 2013 the Government took further steps to discourage holidays in term time. It passed legislation abolishing the right of schools to authorise up to 10 days a year specifically for holidays if special circumstances exist. Therefore, permission for holiday or other leave is rarely given.

Any request for any leave of absence should be made in writing to the Headteacher at least 4 weeks before the proposed date/s. Leave of absence request forms can be obtained from the school office.

© Copyright 2019–2025 Meadowbank Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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